Cyclists and Boarders Know! Cardoors are a Deathtraps! When you hear a "Click" get out of the way fast! Watch Out! Always look inside parked cars as you pass! Look for faces in the side mirrors! Assume every door you pass will suddenly be thrown open! Taxi cab passengers are the worst! Be extra careful around taxis! Take the Lane! Keep riding! Don't be afraid, be aware! We pay taxes and have the same rights to operate on the streets! Don't give up the fight! You car drivers out there Remember to check your mirrors! Then check again just before you open your door! Cyclists and Boarders can appear faster than you might think! Always assume a cyclists or boarder is about to pass your door! Lets work together! Share the streets! We can prevent these types of accidents! An injury to one is an injury to all!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Fred Pipes, Brighton, England

Hi Jerry,Cheers!

Added your message to the blog!! I nearly got doored this morning on the London Road -- by a bin lorry (garbage truck)! I was overtaking it, then got hemmed in by another truck and was about to get squashed!!! -- but it only moved forward a couple of yards -- then the door opened!

-- Fred

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